27 October, 2014

USE OF ENGLISH - Adverbs of frequency

This time we are going to learn how to use some adverbs of frequency such as always, usually, sometimes, hardly ever and never. After having watched the video above, download the worksheet clicking here and fill in the gaps with adverbs of frequency.

How often do you fish? I __________ fish.

How often do you work out? I __________ work out __________ hours a day.

How often do you fly a kite? I __________ fly a kite.

How often do you go hiking? I __________ go hiking.

How often do you watch TV? I __________ watch TV.

How often do you read books? I __________ read books.

How often do you exercise? I __________ exercise.

How often do you talk on the telephone? I __________ talk on the telephone.

How often do you study? I __________ study.

Now make up five questions and answers yourself. Do not forget to use adverbs of frequency.

Do you know any other adverb of frequency? Find them on the internet and we will talk about them in the next class.


  1. Hello Xabier,
    I really like you blog as it is very attractive for children.
    This first exercise is a very good tool for students to understand and practice with the use of these adverbs. The video is fun and the sound is really clear so they can also listen to the pronunciation of the different words which is very helpful.
    Leticia Garcia

  2. Hello Leticia,

    I'm glad you like the blog. For me it's very important the attractiveness to catch children attention. My idea was to create an attractive site without being too childish, even though we're dealing with children.

    Regarding the task, I chose this video as you just say, because it's fun and easy to understand the pronunciation.

    Thank you for your comment.

  3. Hi Xavier, I like your post very much. For my students it's sometimes difficult to learn an use properly the adverbs of frequency, so from now I'll sure show them your blog! While watching the video they can practice their pronunciation, and then they can review the adverbs learnt by doing the writting exercises. About your blog, I like the colours very much and the image on the background is very cheerful. The menu on the right is very complete too. Congratulations for your blog!

  4. Hello Lucia,

    I'm glad you like the activity and the blog.

    Thanks for your comment.
